Monday, December 6, 2010

Cheerful Giver

Lessons Learned.

Don't underestimate what God puts on your children's heart.

At the beginning of this year, Maggi had to make a pledge for the Boys and Girls Missionary Club at church. This is a program that teaches children to give money to foreign missions. They collect the money in "buddy barrels". The first week in each month the children return their barrels to the church, filled with change, and that money goes toward special projects (like digging wells for clean water). In Jan. Maggi wanted to pledge $1,000. Dave and I tried to explain to her that $1,000 was alot of money for an eight year old little girl. Dave and I talked her into pledging $500, as that seemed like a reasonable goal.

Immediately Dave and I felt guilty. Who were we to put limits on God. God placed a number on Maggi's heart, and why should we try to change it.

Being a parent is a hard thing.

On the flip side, we wanted her to be able to meet the goal she had pledged.

We were torn.

She went with the $500 dollars, but we decided we would not limit what God wanted to do.

Maggi gave buddy barrels to anyone she could think of.

When her birthday rolled around, she asked her friends to give money to her, so she could give it to missions. She called it her Birthday Sacrifice.

She put the money her grandparents gave her for her birthday in her barrel.

She put her toothfairy money in.

She put the change she found in the street in her buddy barrel.

Spare change around the house was placed in the barrel.

Even a missionary couple we meet this summer placed a sacrificial gift in the barrel, all you have to do is share your vision. (this act humbled everyone in our family)

She and her sister helped make and then serve breakfast to raise money.

This Sunday, Maggi turned in her buddy barrel.

She had raised, $1007.00.

unbelievable. A nine year old who is learning what sacrifice is all about. She was willing to sell toys, rake leaves, clean out a pool, sweep garages, to boldly ask her neighbors. . . to fulfill a need.

She has taught our family so much.
Emma now has her very own buddy barrel. She is thinking of ways to give and raise money.
She taught her parents to believe that God uses and speaks to children.
We as a family watched people give sacrificial to something we are passionate about. We watched the girls carry their yellow buddy barrels to church with excitement.

This Jan. we will have 2 little girls making pledges. You can bet, whatever the pledge, mom and dad will remain silent.


Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.