We have now been here for 3 weeks, and are finally getting into a bit of a grove.
Here is how our days have shaped up. . .
I get up at 5:00, for a number of reasons
*the sun rises about 5:30 so I should go ahead and get a jump start
* I need some alone time with the Lord, and this is just about the only way I can get it
* When three girls share a bathroom, I need all the extra time I can get
by 5:45 I am ready to wake up the girls and get them going (the night before they lay out their clothes, we have their lunch packed, bookbags and raincoats ready to go).
6:00 we are all ready to eat some breakfast
6:25 we are all out the door
We arrive to our school at 6:50 so that the girls can ride the school bus to their school, Sojourn.
Now Dave and I have to wait an hour before our school starts, so this is where Dave often reads and prayers, I lay my seat back and snooze, or we go have breakfast with our fellow Missionaries in their home.
Then Dave and I have language school, and the girls are at their school. They return to us close to 3:00, and we venture back to our house we are staying at for one more week.
We get homework for the girls started, and then dinner started, and then the girls have a little down time, baths, and then in to bed by 8:00.
That is when Dave and I start our homework.
Crazy, our lives went to pretty loose schedules except on the weekends and Wed, to very strict and time conscious schedules.
Things will change next week when we are in our new apartment. We hope to be more settled, and less like we are camping then. During the next 2 1/2 months we hope to find a new place to live and shop for our furniture, so that we will be ready to celebrate Christmas in our New home. Here in Costa Rica there is no Halloween or Thanksgiving, so they already have their Christmas decorations out. That is super crazy, but since I love Christmas, the only think stopping me from putting up my tree in October, is that I would have to move it :(
But we have been busy here. We celebrated Costa Rica's Independence day. We had a lot of fun, making our faroles (lanterns). At 6:00 on Sept 14, everyone steps outside and sings the National Anthem, and the children light their faroles to remember when they came through the streets declaring that Independence had been won. So the girls were in a parade at their school.
We had open house night at the girls school as well, and it was fun to check out their classrooms and meet their teachers.
For me, I most enjoyed seeing a set of enclyopedias in Maggi's classroom. Now those were the good ole days.
We are learning to grocery shop here, and aside from sticker shock on how much things cost, we are having fun with the new products they have (chicky's, yippys, mammo chinos (actually that is a fruit but it is still fun). About the sticker shock, I noticed that they had that scanner (thing that they put on electronics in the states, the thing that they have to wave over a pad to demagnetize it or whatever) on CHEESE. It's that bad people.
All that to say, we are adjusting.
The girls are doing really well. I am not just saying that so the grandparents will be happy. But they are sincerely legitimately happy. I keep waiting for them to show signs of culture shock. But so far, nothing. Emma and Maggi both love saying their simple prayers in Spanish now (and thanks to them I impressed my teacher in my class when I offered to pray). They love looking at the things in the produce isle, observing all they can in the car, etc. they are soaking it all in.
And for that I am grateful. That is not an accident. I know it is because people from all over the country have prayed for them, prayed for protection, prayed for them to make friends, to enjoy school, to pick up on the language fast. Countless prayers have gone up on their behalf. And because of it I am amazed.
and grateful
David and I doing well, maybe not as good as Maggi and Emma, but we are hanging in there. When you become physically exhausted, it wears on your emotions, that combined with the immense job of learning a language, I felt saturated with it all last week. So when my Spanish teacher (who speaks no English) asked me where my parents were, I, in my broken Spanish, told her my dad was in the US. Then she asked me where my mom was, and I in my very little Spanish, not knowing many words, said "Con Dios" which meant, she is with God, but I couldn't say it without tears flowing down my cheeks. So of course there I am, crying in class before it even gets tough.
But my Father is faithful, He is building us up, and has proven faithful time and time again.
We are in awe of His goodness over us.
And while we may be at a loss for words sometimes (because we don't know them in Spanish, or because there is no way to articulate something) we are so incredibly happy to be here. . .
in Costa Rica
serving Him