Thursday, December 5, 2013

Right in front of me

Sometimes.  .  . it is just right in front of your eyes.

I tried several times to blog about what was in my heart.  But I could never spill it out.

Several weeks ago, I was invited to a consultation among the Latin America and Caribbean missionaries who minister to people who work with victims of the sex industry.

I started out the other blogs talking about the horrific facts of the sexually exploited, the numbers, the statistics.  I felt like I was ranting, and could never share adequately, what the Lord was doing in my heart.

When I came home, I was broken.  My thoughts were::
Lord what can I do I am one person
My Spanish doesn't allow me to communicate my thoughts
I have lived a "shelter" life
I can never relate to these women and children, and the nightmare that they live with.

People from all over our region, spoke on how the Lord had used them, and I felt so little.
I felt like I had been invited by accident, because I live close to the place the event took place.

I am a rookie missionary and all.  We have actually only be on the field for 3 months (our time in language school is not really our beginning date. . . )

The next day was Sunday, and because we got to church a little late, and we had some quest who stayed over a few extra days, the only place my family and friends could sit, was the front row.

After the sermon, there was a time of prayer.
There was one girl, whom the Lord guided me to.
It was one of those times that is undeniable from the Lord.

I went to pray with her.
I did not pray in English or Spanish, but with a language only the Lord knew.

After we prayed, I gave her a hug. . .
and it lasted a long time.

She would not let go, even after the service moved on.

After service was finally over she went her way, and I was talking to someone else.
But I knew the Lord was asking me to go talk to her.

I didn't listen. . .

But God's will is in play, even when we are not.

She came to me.

Her words are etched in my heart.
She said she was lonely.
She had moved from a small pueblo from way outside the city.  She had come to the city to work and go to school.
And she was lonely.
(she has her own story, that is NOT the point of this story)

Friends, I immediately heard the Lord say, to me, "See, It is not that hard, I placed her right in front of you"  "Just love her" (my interpretation of course)

And so that is what I did.

We have made her a part of our family, she has spent the night, we shared our Thanksgiving traditions with her.


Loving the Lord and following his voice is not rocket science.
The need is great, that is the truth.  The Enemy is fierce, and is constantly at work. No doubt.

But we don't have to go into the brothels, we don't have to start a home for rescued women, we don't have to solve the entire tragedy.

We start with what is right in front of us.  We need to be just as faithful to the "one" as to the convention center full of girls. . . .

I have been given the opportunity to work with a veteran missionary, who believes, we can prevent the victims when we educate the girls when they are young.  I get to work with her.
I will one day, share the amazing things going on there.
At some point I will share my BIG dreams.

But for now.  Lets love the person in front of us.
What does that look like?  who knows. . . making a meal, fix a car, give out of abundance.
It will not come back void.

I can not wait for us to get to heaven to see how God has orchestrated details.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up(or think we are not qualified).  So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone and especially to those who are of the household of faith (or right in front of you).  Galatians 6:9-10. 

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