Friday, February 12, 2010

Emma turns 6

Oh My! My sweet Emma turned 6 last week.

That girl is so much fun to be around.

We had alot of fun celebrating. She had a spend the night ballet sleepover. We danced, ate, laughed, played pranks on the neighbors, watched a movie and even an odd shaped ballet slipper pinata. We decorated for the party, with hand made flowers. The girls got to take them for party favors.

Emma even helped decorate!
We love watching the beautiful girl Emma is becoming.

She has the big beautiful eyes, that light up the room. She has a great sense of humor, and actually makes the family laugh out loud. She is a great student, picking up information really quickly. She has a heart that follows after the Lord, and is applying his principles in her young life.

1 comment:

  1. precious! Happy Birthday Emma. I did not realize she and Mary Beth are the same least for a few months. Mary turns 7 in July...which I cannot believe. Sounds like a fun day!
