It had been a long wait. We met the co-ordinator, Dr. Bob of the medical team while itinerating, now several years ago. He came down a year before (in 2013) on a planning mission.
We have targeted a certain Indigenous group, and was planning on using this team to help us integrate into the community.
We had taken several trips into the community, meeting the community leaders, praying, planning, etc.
We as a family were very excited to be able to participate in something we felt the Lord had called us to do, so many years before. We were going to use the skills and tools he had planted in our lives for "such a time as this".
The girls decided to take the week off of school, so that they could come with us. This was a hard decision for them, because they had to make up all of the school work. But we were committed. We were a "family on a mission".
To be able to work in medicine here in Costa Rica, you must have a local physician. We had one lined up several weeks before hand, and a dentist who was willing to come and participate in ministry with us. Well, 2 days before our team arrived, our doctor cancelled, and well. . . the dentist had bowed out too.
Dave was convinced, that God had the perfect people ordained for this trip. So we prayed and waited.
Trusting and waiting are sometimes very hard. . .
We were going to be several hours out side San Jose, which meant, lots of planning, meal prepping, equipment gathering. . .
I baked and cooked and then cleaned my kitchen, and then baked and cooked, and then cleaned my kitchen, . . . (I think you get the picture) All of our meals on site would have to be cooked without an oven or stove. Hmmm, that take's extra planning.
The morning of the arrival date of our team, God answered a specific prayer, we had found a Doctor and a Dentist. We invited them both over for our "Get to Know You Meal". We always host the first night of a team, at our house. God had a plan.
Get to know you meal at our house |
Dr. Bob and David |
The next morning, we get up very early, and drove several hours to our community, we were in a very small church, in an Indigenous area, way off the beaten path, through the pineapple fields, off of paved roads, etc.
We had to hike up to the church we would be preaching at.
This was just outside the church |
Afterward, we made it back down and had lunch, and checked into our hotel. Later that night, we were able to sort through the meds that had been brought down, so that we would be able to distribute the medicine to the people efficiently.
Everyone Pitched In! |
Over the next few days, we got up early, set up clinic, and came back tired. Some people walked hours, or rode horses to be able to receive medical care, to be prayed for, and/or learn more about the Bible.
We had people from all ages helping us. We were able to provide much needed dental care, pass out eye glasses, perform medical exams, provide vitamins and medicine for the entire family. The girls, the bus driver, the local church leaders, the home missionary, the community, so many people were working to make up an amazing team.
Dental Care was such an amazing part of the outreach |
We are with the pastor and the home missionary, Carlos |
We were able to sponsor a very unique class.
We taught a first aid class specifically for those living in remote areas.
We were able to hand each person from different communities a "first aid kit".
We taught them what to do for a burn, a deep cut, choking, CPR, etc. . .
During each medical clinic, the pastors that were on the team,
taught basic Bible classes in a separate location.
This was such an awesome example of how God uses all of our talents.
And then teaches some of us new talents. . . .
like how to use a crock pot, or how to feed an entire community
There were many amazing things that happened that week.
We were able to reach into the community in a very meaningful way.
God's love was spread to over 3 different Indigenous areas.
Many were prayed over
Many were loved on
Sometimes we just played with the kids, or colored with them.
Because God is God
my favorite part
Is watching the following story unfold. We had our plans, we really thought we did, but God had other plans. It turns out that during one of the evening services, after the preaching was done, Dave gave a call, to anyone who wanted to give their hearts to Jesus. I was standing at the back of the church praying. Then I saw something I am not sure I have ever seen before. . .
One person stood up, and then the person sitting with them stood up,
and together they almost ran to the alter.
If that isn't amazing enough, it gets only sweeter when I tell you who it was
it was our doctor and our dentist.
God knew exactly who was going to be on our team.
He had it planned a long time ago.
He hand picked them.
Just like he did you and me.
The way God writes His story is amazing.
His details are incredible.
And sometimes we get a glimpse of it.
And sometimes we get to be a part of it.
I pray that wherever you are in your story,
you experience His amazing, incredible, indescribable details.
But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name
John 20:30-31
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