James 4:6
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble
Ok a bit of humility.
Friday night David was at work, so the girls and I went to a prayer meeting at our church. I remember going to prayer meetings growing up. The girls had never been to one before. Infact I am not sure that they have even sat through a "grown up" church service. So I was not completely sure how they would do.
We met in the sanctuary before and Pastor Jim spoke a few minutes before breaking off and praying. The girls did great. I took them to the different spots around the church designated for different areas of focus. (we spent a large amount of time at the missions spot). After that the girls and I went to the alter to pray.
After individual prayer time the church met for group prayer. Before we started Pastor Johnson made a sweet comment on the girls being there. Everyone that was there was deeply touched, and gave warm smiles. It was so sweet. And to be honest, I really enjoyed listening to them pray.
After that we had communion. Maggi had participated in communion services before with Pastor Jim. I spent a few minuetes quietly explaining to Emma what it meant. The girls and I shared our communion, and I was so proud of the sweet girls.
We got in the car to go home, and I couldn't wait for the conversation to follow. Maggi said, mom thank you for letting me come to the prayer meeting, it was so good. Then Emma said. . .
"ok mom, was that bread from the old testament or what, because it made me want to throw up in my mouth. I almost did!"
"is that what they call manna?"
"I am glad that they had some grape juice."
the sweet moment was gone. Where is that girl from? At least she waited till we got in the car.
Thank you Lord for keeping me humble!
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