Thursday, May 13, 2010

From my Perspective

Standing here, in the midst of the presbytery of the South Carolina District Council was a pretty powerful place to stand.

We were standing there, to support and uphold David before the Lord.

From where I was standing, I could truly feel the hedge of protection, and the wall of fire the Bible talks about.

I was humbled listening to these mighty men of God, pray blessings, protection and a double portion out on Dave.

I was so proud that my husband has been set apart and ordained to the ministry. I have watched Dave's life for over 16 years now, and this was such a blessing for him to be publically recognized for a life of service to the Lord.

The certificate of ordination says that Dave has proven that he has a divine gift and is called to the minsitry of the Gospel of Christ.

From my perspective, we didn't need a paper to prove that. I knew it the day I met him.

We have so few opportunities to publicaly praise our husbands for their good work, and I couldn't let this one go by. I am proud of the life he has led, and can't wait for the next chapter to unfold for us.

Love being by your side, I'll follow you anywhere!

My Dad and Roxane came down to celebrate with us

Nancy was also there to support us

Dee. . . What more can I say, my Public Relations Manager. . .

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